Get to Know Frisco: Santa Claus
We’ve been fortunate to have met some awesome Frisco folks since starting the “Get to Know Frisco” blog series. Now, with the holidays here, we figured there was one guy we really needed to chat with to get the low down on all things “holidays in Frisco.”
You may know him as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or, just simply Santa… whatever you call him, when it comes to the holidays, he’s the “go-to” guy. Luckily, they can access Zoom in the North Pole, so we sat down (virtually) with the main man himself to talk gift ideas, best ways to celebrate the season and what his schedule looks like over the next few weeks.
What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
Ho, ho, ho… how much time do you have? The holiday season truly is the most wonderful time of the year. I think there may even be a song that says that. From the stockings that are hung from the chimneys with care, to the jingle bells and the beautifully decked trees, all of the sights truly make the magic of the season come to life.
But my favorite things about the holidays aren’t really “things.” It’s the sound of the holiday music playing over the speaker as you shop for gifts, the brightness in a child’s eyes as they gaze upon the holiday lights or their smiles when they get to meet me. It’s all of these that make the holidays the “hap-happiest season of all.”
We know you’re a busy man. Do you have plans to stop in Frisco before Christmas Eve?
Of course! I’ll be stopping by Stonebriar Centre so the kiddos can see me, and their grown-ups can check a few things off their shopping list. As one of the biggest fans of the Dallas Cowboys, no visit to Frisco would be complete without a stop at The Star.
We hear you like cookies… what are some of your favorites?
This may be the toughest question of all… well, you can’t go wrong with classic Chocolate Chip. Last year, a young Frisconian set out a box of cookies for me. I could definitely go for some more of that to keep my figure! And I’ve been hearing good things about the Salted Carmel cookie from the Cookie Society there in Frisco. I’m gonna have to have some of the elves swing by there and pick some of those up for me.
What are some of the gifts you’re planning to give this season?
For Mrs. Claus, I’m going to be stopping by some of Frisco’s boutiques while in town. They always have the latest fashion trends and the best smelling candles in stock that she likes.
Of course, I’ll have to bring back some souvenirs for the elves, so I’ll pick up a few Frisco t-shirts and hats at Tumbleweed TexStyles. For myself, I love video games and it just so happens the National Videogame Museum is offering a great deal on an annual membership. I may just have to purchase one for myself.
I’m gonna take some time to read up on the Holiday Gift Guide and list of Made in Frisco gifts the Visit Frisco team put together, as I know I’m forgetting something for someone.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?
Along with making a list and checking it twice, I really enjoy making gingerbread houses, eating all the holiday sweet treats I can find and getting out to see all the beautiful holiday and Christmas lights.
After the holidays, what are your plans for the offseason?
Well, I’m definitely going to take some time to relax. Perhaps plan a weekend getaway at The Westin Stonebriar Hotel & Golf Club for a relaxing stay and round of golf.
Thank you, Santa. Anything else you’d like to add?
Ho, ho, ho and Happy Holidays!